
The following policy applies to users of sites within the sjny.edu 域,旨在解释从用户收集哪些类型的信息以及如何使用这些信息.

澳门足彩app is committed to respecting your privacy. As an unregistered user, you may visit most of the sites within the sjny.edu 域,不输入,透露或留下任何个人信息,无论已知或其他. We do not collect any personal information about you, unless you provide that information voluntarily. Any personal information you provide will only be used by 澳门足彩app to conduct University business. 澳门足彩app does not sell, 租金, 贷款, trade or lease personal information voluntarily given on this site.

For the purposes of this policy, “个人信息”是指与自然人有关的任何信息, 因为名字, 数量, 象征, mark or other identifier, can be used to identify that person.

For the internal community: To protect your privacy and prevent unauthorized use, please keep your IDs and passwords in a secure place. Also, whenever you use 澳门足彩app systems from a public workstation, 在离开工作站之前,请务必注销并关闭所有浏览器窗口.

Information Collected and Stored Automatically

Logs and Network Monitoring
We maintain log files of all access to 澳门足彩app的Web服务器,也监控网络流量的目的,网站和网络管理和安全. 我们使用这些信息来诊断服务器的问题并执行其他管理任务. 我们还使用日志分析工具来创建汇总统计信息,以确定用户最感兴趣的信息, identifying system problem areas, and determining technical requirements. The following information is typically collected in these files:

  • 您的互联网服务提供商和/或计算机的互联网协议地址和域名, if your computer has an IP address assigned directly to it
  • the type of browser and operating system you use
  • the date and time you visited any 澳门足彩app server
  • the Web pages or services you accessed from our network, and
  • 您访问我们网络服务器的网页,以及本网站任何页面的链接


Information Collected by Email and 在线 Transactions

如果您自愿向我们发送电子邮件,我们会收集您的电子邮件地址和邮件内容. 我们将使用您的电子邮件地址和您的邮件中包含的信息来回复您, to address the issues you identify, and to improve this website. 我们也可能使用您的电子邮件地址通知您有关St . net提供的服务、事件或活动. 约瑟夫大学. If you would prefer not to receive email or other communications from 澳门足彩app, contact the University's webmaster.

如果你完成了一项交易,如在线申请或信息申请表, we will collect the information, 包括 your personal information that you volunteered in the transaction. 我们将仅将此信息用于交易预期的目的.

我们可能会将您通过在线交易提供的信息或信息重定向到澳门足彩app的办公室,而不是最初收到消息或信息的办公室, to better respond to your request.

我们收集的信息不仅限于文本字符,还可能包括音频, video and graphic information formats included in the message or transaction.

我们不会故意收集13岁以下儿童的个人信息. 你要小心, 然而, 我们将把电子邮件中提交的个人信息视为成人提交的信息, 可能是这样, unless exempted from access by federal or state law, be subject to public access.

Disclosure of Information Collected Through this Website

如果收集或披露个人信息是执行St . .所必需的,我们可能未经您的同意而收集或披露个人信息. 约瑟夫大学的法定职责或法律授权的项目运作所必需的, or authorized by state or federal statute or regulation; made pursuant to a court order or by law; for the purpose of validating your identity; or of information to be used solely for statistical purposes that is in the form that cannot be used to identify any particular person.

进一步, the disclosure of information, 包括 personal information, collected through this website is subject to the provisions of the U.S. Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) and New York State's Freedom of Information Law.

我们也可能向联邦或州执法机构披露个人信息,以执行法律. 约瑟夫大学对未经授权访问或企图未经授权访问澳门皇冠app information technology assets.

Access to and Correction of Personal Information Collected Through this Website

You may submit a request to the 澳门足彩app的网站管理员,以确定有关您的个人信息是否已通过本网站收集. 您的要求必须以书面形式提出,并必须附有您的合理身份证明. Reasonable proof of identity may include verification of a signature, inclusion of an identifier generally known only to you, or similar appropriate identification. The address of the records access officer is:

Director of Web Technology
澳门足彩app, New York

Web管理器将, within seven days of the receipt of a proper request, provide access to the personal information; deny access in writing, explaining the reasons therefore; or acknowledge the receipt of the request in writing, stating the approximate date when the request will be granted or denied, 哪一个日期自确认之日起不得超过三十天.

If we have collected your personal information through a 澳门足彩app的网站服务器,这些信息将根据您的要求提供给您, 网站管理员将告知您根据《澳门足彩app》第95条规定的程序要求修改或更正个人信息的权利.

Confidentiality and Integrity

We limit employee access to personal information collected through 澳门足彩app的网络服务器只对那些在履行公务时需要访问信息的员工开放. 有权访问此信息的员工遵循与任何个人信息披露相关的适当程序.

In addition, we have implemented procedures to safeguard the integrity of 澳门足彩app web servers information technology assets, 包括, 但不限于, 身份验证, 授权, 监控, 审计, 和加密. These security procedures have been integrated into the design, 实现, and day-to-day operations of sjcny.Edu作为我们对电子内容和信息电子传输安全的持续承诺的一部分.

For security purposes and to maintain the availability of 澳门足彩app web servers for all users, 我们使用软件监控流量,以识别未经授权的上传或更改信息或以其他方式破坏我们网站的企图.

Links to Third-Party Sites

澳门足彩app的网站包含链接,并可能从澳门足彩app. 我们对此类网站的隐私惯例、使用条款或内容概不负责. A link to an outside web site from 澳门足彩app不构成该网站或其内容的背书或赞助.

Changes to Policy and Disclaimer

We may change this policy as needed without notice. 本隐私政策中提供的信息不应被解释为给予业务, 法律或其他建议, or warranting as fail proof, the security of information provided through 澳门足彩app web sites.


For questions regarding this privacy policy, please contact: (电子邮件保护).